Take this chance to completely change your lifestyle and the way you view nutrition. These guidelines are what I have followed when leading up to fitness competitions and photo shoots where my BEST BODY is needed.
I have given these nutritional
guidelines to many personal training clients & bootcamp clients who
have seen amazing results! This information is GUARANTEED to get you into that HotBod that you’ve always wanted. Not only this, but you will naturally get better hair, skin & nails!
In today’s society, there are so many foods that contain preservatives, large amounts of sodium and incredible amounts of sugar. All of these result in weight gain, fat storage and unhealthy bodies. My EAT CLEAN, TRAIN MEAN plan will teach you how to avoid these foods and provide you with guidelines to get you into your dream body!
This is a short e-book that gives you exercises to build your glutes. These workouts can be done from anywhere and no equipment is necessary! These are all exerices that I use personally to help build my boooooty!
This e-book contains 6 days of workouts with one rest day. This e-book is a "one month plan". You are repeating the same exercises weekly for 4 weeks although the sets increase as the weekly to make sure you are always pushing yourself.
This e-book is great if you are looking for some exercises to build your booty at home OR take these exercises to the gym with you. You can always add equipment if you would like to increase the intensity of your workouts!
Hope you like my booty building e-book---- BOOTY GAINS!!!